WordPress Development

We fix

We offer one-time fixes, Design and User Experience improvements or ongoing technical support.

We are a global remote studio specialised in Branding, Digital Design and JAMstack Development.

Keep your business running

WordPress is a great tool to get you started. But it can also be quite demanding to maintain. System updates can often break due to plugin conflicts. Security and Performance are also big concerns. Here's where we can help you.

What we do

Theme and Plugins

We fix errors or bugs on your used theme and even suggest some User Experience improvements. We also provide third-party plugin configuration, support and updates.


We can run optimisations to reduce loading times. Caching data can cut the bounce rate on your website and improve the experience for your visitors.


Need to move your website and are not sure what to do? We got you covered, ensuring 100% uptime and consistency of data. We can also help you to change DNS and preview your site before it goes live in the new location.

Malware and Security

If your site has been defaced by a malicious third party, it is important to not only clean the infection but to stop it from happening again. We'll remove the source of the problem and add some protection to your site. We can also set up backups to add another line of defence in future.

Most Common Requests

Fix a hacked site

White screen with errors

Update WordPress

Plugin Conflicts

Fix PHP Errors

Tweak CSS

Contact Form not working

Migrate Website